05: How to Make More Money as a Wedding Photographer

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Money can be such a tricky topic - we all want to make more of it but you know what? In order to do that, you have to make a change and do it now! Yes, start right now! In this episode of my Shine + Thrive podcast I share actionable steps that you can take as a wedding photographer to earn more money every year and grow your business.

Do you want to increase your prices but find yourself asking, "What if I stop getting bookings? What if clients expect more from me at that price and I’m not able to deliver?” Trust me, I've been there, imposter syndrome and all. But you know what?

Being uncomfortable about the change is not only perfectly normal, it's encouraged if you want to increase your earning potential. Increasing your prices and understanding supply and demand are only some of the topics I cover in this episode.

Listen to learn about the things I have done over the years to increase my business earnings and how you can do this too!

[02:23] A little life update. Dealing with feeling low energy and understanding your intellectual, intuitive, and physical energy with the help of understanding biorhythms and not being too hard on yourself. Also, my recent experience going through the Candida diet and my journey creating this podcast so far.

[9:37] How to earn more money as a wedding photographer? Raise your prices regularly and apply dynamic pricing to your business. This is key!

[11:22] My transformation story into how I started applying dynamic pricing to my business and see immediate change into how much money I was making as a wedding photographer.

[13:04] The importance of your mindset and how raising your prices consistently goes hand in hand with working on your mindset.

[15:00] Feeling uncomfortable when raising your prices. Why this is encouraged if you want to see improvement in your business.

[15:26] Setting your own terms that fit your business. You have the final say!

[17:45] How to know when to raise your prices while also being aware of supply and demand.

[18:48] A framework for raising your prices. It’s time to crunch some numbers to understand how you can improve your earning potential.

[21:45] Staying positive, not panicking, and trusting the process! Knowing how to deal with changes and how to act accordingly if the worst comes to worst.

[23:54] BLACK FRIDAY offer!

[25:22] Your mindset is your ultimate tool - embrace the control you have over your business.

[30:20] An important question to ask yourself and how to get access to my cheat sheet that will help you answer this!

Listener’s Feedback


My Online Photography Courses for You

Outsourcing Made Easy: Learn how you can have more time freedom AND financial freedom as a portrait/wedding photographer. Sign up for the waitlist here now! (doors reopen once a year)

Crystal Clear Marketing: Learn how you can attract and book your dream photography clients - Sign up here!

Intuitive Storytelling for Wedding Photographers: Learn how you can storytell like a pro on wedding days - Sign up here!

Say hi to me on social! I would love to hear which episode helped you!

Instagram: @saramonikaphoto


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With love + gratitude,



Did you miss the last episode? Tune in here: How to Shoot In Between Moments on Wedding Days