53: Part 2: How To Navigate Reschedules + Cancellations As a Wedding Photographer In a Pandemic

52: Part 1: How To Navigate Reschedules + Cancellations As a Wedding Photographer In a Pandemic

In this episode, Anastasia of Olive Photography shares with you her approach to navigating wedding reschedules and cancellations from a more logical and legal perspective. This is Part 2 of a 2 part series (go listen to Episode #52 before you tune into this one), so that you can get two different perspectives and two different approaches!

My hope is that by the end of these two episodes, you will have gathered ideas of what will work best for you on how to navigate this situation for yourself.

What I want you to know is there is no one size fits all way to go about this. We are all going through a different storm (for some it's sprinkling rain and for others, it's a full-on hurricane). We each have our own unique challenges that we are facing.

To some of you, my approach may speak to you, and to some of you Anastasia's will! That's why I wanted to create this 2 part series for you! To show you that even if we have different ways of doing things, we can still be in it together, learn from one another without judgement, and most of all, respect one another as humans because after all, we are all in this thing called life together. Who are we to judge how someone else is doing things when we really don't know the nuance of their situation.  All we can do is simply offer support and ideas with compassion, and let others take their own journey.

My teaching style is meant to provide you with a perspective you may have not thought of before and then empower you to make your own choices. I'm not here saying you SHOULD do anything. I'm here to tell you that to all the questions you have, the answers are within you. All you have to do is know how to listen to them.

If you get value out of this episode, please make sure to take a screenshot, share it on Instagram, and tag me @saramonikaphoto and I would love to share your comments and takeaways on my Instagram Story as well!

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Outsourcing Made Easy: Learn how you can have more time freedom AND financial freedom as a portrait/wedding photographer. Sign up for the waitlist here now! (doors reopen once a year)

Crystal Clear Marketing: Learn how you can attract and book your dream photography clients - Sign up here!

Intuitive Storytelling for Wedding Photographers: Learn how you can storytell like a pro on wedding days - Sign up here!

Say hi to me on social! I would love to hear which episode helped you!

Instagram: @saramonikaphoto


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With love + gratitude,


Did you miss the last episode? Tune in here: Part 1: How To Navigate Reschedules + Cancellations As a Wedding Photographer In a Pandemic

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