Sara Monika

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The things you own end up owning you

I believe that the things you own end up owning you. We live in a society that is run by consumerism. We constantly want more stuff, just cuz we do. We were programmed that way. I used to be more out of control with my spending habits, but I’ve learned how to stay more (still not fully cured) in control by realizing that the things I want, won’t actually bring me happiness in the long run. They will only give me a temporary high.

I love the fact that my family + I have stopped exchanging gifts for Christmas 3 years ago. It’s such a relief to avoid all the shopping malls. We can actually relax during the holidays, have more time for ourselves + spend it with each other. After all, we do pay for all these things with our time…not really our money. Less money = less time for the things that really matter = living a stressed, money driven, unfulfilled life. The only gifts I was wrapping this year {with a lot of love + excitement} were client orders + a practical gift for Rory!

So instead of getting swept up in purchasing material goods, lets fast from the endless consumerism of our society + readjust our focus towards caring about people rather than things.

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