160: How Kimberly Re-defined Mini Sessions and Made $8000 From 1 Day Of Shooting!


Want to know how Kimberly was able to make $8000 from just 1 day of shooting? 💰💰💰 Oh, and plot twist–she did it with mini-sessions. 🤯

If you had told Kimberly, a branding photographer, a few years ago that she could make that kind of money from mini-sessions… She wouldn’t have believed you.

Like many photographers, she’d written off mini-sessions as “they are just so much work for so little profit!”. She thought there was no way she could charge high-ticket prices with this type of session. And in her mind, they carried connotations of “cheap”, “fast”, and “low-quality”.

But after a colleague shared a new way of doing mini-sessions with her that was profitable, low-stress, and fun… She decided to launch a mini-session offer with absolutely no idea what to expect.

And guess what? She booked up all 8 slots within 48 hours. 🤯She quickly discovered that this type of session was her jam. 🤩 So if you’re a photographer who’s feeling burnt out and you want to earn more and shoot less…

…You’ll definitely want to listen to Kimberly’s story.

On this week’s podcast episode, I picked Kimberly’s brain about how she leveraged mini sessions to build a profitable, aligned photography business. She completely redefines mini-sessions and it’s going to blow your mind and show you what’s possible for you!

Tune in to discover:

The power of the waitlist for creating desire and removing all the stress from your mini-session offer 

A detailed breakdown of Kimberly’s offer, including pricing, number of participants, hours worked, launch timelines, and more

A breakdown of her second relaunch, and how she made even more and worked less

2 common limiting beliefs about mini-sessions that might be holding you back from trying them out for yourself

How mini-sessions can help you recoup lost revenue while serving your clients better

Success stories from Kimberly’s students who tried doing similar offers

Plus, she even goes deep into entrepreneurial mindset with golden nuggets like:

Why being attached to an outcome = living in the future, and how you can let go of expectations to attract more abundance

An awe-inspiring story about what happened to her at a live business conference that’ll have you on the edge of your seat

✨ Why showing your audience your “messiness” can actually magnetize them 

How to surrender to good things in your life, even when they make you super uncomfortable

✨ Why it’s important to strike a balance between desperate and uncompromising when it comes to pricing


Kimberly’s Live at BBD

Kimberly’s Instagram

Kimberly’s Roadmap To Mini Sessions waitlist


My Online Photography Courses for You

Outsourcing Made Easy: Learn how you can have more time freedom AND financial freedom as a portrait/wedding photographer. Sign up for the waitlist here now! (doors reopen once a year)

Crystal Clear Marketing: Learn how you can attract and book your dream photography clients - Sign up here!

Intuitive Storytelling for Wedding Photographers: Learn how you can storytell like a pro on wedding days - Sign up here!

Say hi to me on social! I would love to hear which episode helped you!

Instagram: @saramonikaphoto


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With love + gratitude,


Mini Course Now Available!

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Well, I’m about to help you get clear on how to increase your inquiries + bookings!


161: How To Pivot + Take Better Photos While Shooting When Nothing Is Going As Planned


159: How To Own Your Creativity So You Can Take Incredible Photos and Book Out Your Calendar with Haley McDevitt