157: Using Human Design to Grow Your Photo Biz In a Way That Feels Energizing Rather Than Soul-Sucking with Madeline Evergreen


I recently spoke to my friend Madeline Evergreen, an expert in human design, about how we can use this tool to understand ourselves and our deepest desires better so that we can create a life and business we love ON PURPOSE.

Madeline’s story is wild–she used human design to undo 95% of her chronic health struggles that she’d been experiencing since birth–in 1 month. 🤯

Not only that, but she also used it to skyrocket her income and create a life and career she’s obsessed with and is able to tap into her energized flow state more frequently 🤩

In this week’s episode, we chat about how we as photographers can use human design to grow our business in a way that feels energizing rather than soul sucking!

Tune in to discover:

-How human design can help you move your focus away from what you “should” be doing in your business and guide you towards what you’re MEANT to do

-A short and sweet breakdown of the 5 different human design types

-How understanding human design can help you lead a happier, more productive team (and help you better understand your loved-ones)

-Demystifying your “authority” and how it can help you run your business more effectively

-How to use human design to take what you need from mentoring, courses, and resources without feeling overwhelmed

-Why the expression “lit up” can be misleading (and what it really means to feel lit up)

-Signs you might be modeling after another person (and dimming your own unique magnetism)

-Why that feeling of “my mother wouldn’t approve” could be the sign that’s it’s EXACTLY what’s meant for you

-What it feels like when you’re in your alignment


Madeline Evergreen’s podcast “The Beginner’s Guide to Human Design:


Madeline’s Instagram:

Free human design chart:



My Online Photography Courses for You

Outsourcing Made Easy: Learn how you can have more time freedom AND financial freedom as a portrait/wedding photographer. Sign up for the waitlist here now! (doors reopen once a year)

Crystal Clear Marketing: Learn how you can attract and book your dream photography clients - Sign up here!

Intuitive Storytelling for Wedding Photographers: Learn how you can storytell like a pro on wedding days - Sign up here!

Say hi to me on social! I would love to hear which episode helped you!

Instagram: @saramonikaphoto


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