Sara Monika

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Toronto Wedding Photographer - Centre Island Engagement Shoot

These two are as in love and free-spirited as they get! I mean, when I asked Marc what he admired most about Jelena, he responded “She is more genuine than anyone else I've ever met. Her ability to connect with people in an honest and personable way is uncanny. I've literally seen her form a connection with someone in an elevator ride - they were ready to tell her anything she wanted to know! She is caring, dedicated, intelligent, and the single most impressive person I've ever met in my life. I feel honoured to be near her, let alone being able to call her my wife in the near future.” When I asked Jelena the same question she said, “He is a true gentlemen, the kind that you just don't find any more. He’s compassionate, charming and intelligent. In addition I love how he loves, he doesn't hide his emotions, he embraces them and is just genuinely himself.” I find it soo beautiful when two people can be genuinely be who they are, and accept each other for who they are. No one is perfect, but when you’re in love, even those little quirky imperfections you find so adorable about the other person. How cool is that!? I seriously LOVE that I get to be surrounded by love all the time through being a wedding photographer. If there is love all around me, what more do I need in life?

This session was was meaningful to Jelena + Marc because:

-they love to listen to records together in their apartment + drink wine

-Marc proposed to Jelena while they were having a picnic on Centre Island, so of course we HAD to go back to that same spot :)

-Marc's grandfather was the parks and rec commissioner of Centre Island, so the ferry rides were super nostalgic for him, SO I asked the captain if we could go on top of the ferry and he said yes! How special!? Jelena's words when she got to "steer" the ferry were, "DREAMS DO COME TRUE!" hahaha. How cute are they!?

Follow me on Instagram for bonus posts! --> @saramonikaphoto

Toronto Documentary Wedding Photographer for Free-Spirited, Bohemian & Adventurous Couples - GTA, Vancouver, Worldwide, International, Destination

If you know Jelena + Marc, leave them some LOVE in the comment box below!